
The WarBound Principle-Summarized...

WarBound honors those lost and those who still fight. WarBound strives to enjoy freedom and not take it for granted. WarBound maintains an understanding of how difficult freedom was to achieve and how much effort is required to preserve it. WarBound thoroughly supports government Foreign Affairs and trusts the decisions made regarding such. WarBound acknowledges two sides of a discussion but will always select the side which is enforced by objectivity and factual majority...especially when it comes to criticism of the US Military, Executive Officers and all agencies governed by such. WarBound is proud, loyal and focused...WarBound is American!

Expanded summary...

Also, being able to take some quality time from our busy and hectic lives to just be appreciative.. Of course, the "Appreciation" is for all those who have perished during the quest to preserve Freedom and for those who may not have perished but honorably suffered pain and anguish in the pursuit as well. This site also honors those past & current government/private personnel who strive to make the right decisions for the benefit of all of us. WarBound believes it isn't easy...especially in this day and age of media frenzy. These folks get jolted inthe front page headlines all too often.The negatives tend to be remembered more easily than the positives. Instead there shoud be more exposure with praise and recognition for loyal and worthy efforts which have positive results. This site strives to compare positives with negatives and to express support, with opinons, that support the strongest of the two. Prior to, at WarBound launch and for the foreseeable future... the positive aspects, relating to America, is the side of discussion we choose to be with.

Let's all hope the media acts more objectively and increases the amount of positive press for our elected officials on war and non-war issues!


Let's remember what it is all about folks...to the right is what is obviously the United States. It is only a graphic representation...we all know what really depicts the US, FREEDOM! Let's take a moment and remember all those that have died so that we may keep what is shown at the right. The WTC, Pennsylvania and Pentagon incidents caused us to lose many fellow Americans...they can never again enjoy what we still enjoy today. Prior to these tragedies, many others have given their life in other wars and attacks against the United States...we can never forget those honorable Americans either.

Take a good look again at the map. It belongs to us...nobody else. There are many willing to try and take it from us, nobody will ever succeed!


Thanks troops! We wish you were back home but know you are carrying honor and will return to us after your long hard missions. We will praise your return with the highest level of respect. Until then, fight hard and know that we are behind you 100%!


by Department of Defense

"Our goal is not simply to capture one or two or more terrorist leaders in Afghanistan, or to put one terrorist network out of business. It is to tackle terrorism wherever it exists, so that Americans can live in peace and free from fear."
At the Pentagon, on Jan. 11, 2002

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01: 152: 251:
02: 069: 104:
03: 065: 166:
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11: 607: 1,112:
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18: 516: 1,185:
19: 769: 1,742:
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23: 356: 534:

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